Lately, I've been thinking, A LOT. My brain seems to never stop. Which is good. I love having creative ideas and trying new things and helping people. But sometimes I need my brain to shut off! So I can sleep. Or, concentrate on something more important, like my kids, or husband.
Since we took over the boutique in March it's been a constant part of my life. I stay up late adding products to the store, I check the coding for the menu to make sure it's connecting links right, I write and then rewrite product descriptions, I debate whether that picture is best or another one or both, or maybe we need more or better photos. I watch training video after training video to learn better, more efficient ways to build a store website, and faster more secure ways for customers to see and buy our products. Then there's social media. Some recommend Facebook, others say Instagram, and a host of others. There's literally thousands of different people giving advice on how to advertise and reach people. The most common thread I can find among all these things is that in order for you (our customers), to trust us (EVERYDAY EDEN BOUTIQUE) we need to CONNECT with you.
"CONNECTING with someone usually means you are in tune with that person on a deeper level and you understand one another in a way you might not with others. Sometimes there is no need to even speak to the other person to understand their feelings." (Google Dictionary 2019)
We here at Everyday Eden know we haven't built that relationship of trust yet. We might not ever understand the things you have going on in your personal lives. Connecting through Social Media is hard. It takes time, energy and so much effort. I'm absolutely sure many of you face the same problem. How do you spend your time so that the most important things and people get the connection with you they deserve?
You (the 20 people that might actually read this) work, play, have families, friends, hobbies, obligations to relatives or neighbors or friends that need something from you. It's so hard sometimes to pick the best things out of all the good things and make connections.
Do I make a special dinner for my husband? or read extra stories to my kids?
Do I make an ad for my business? Or take my kids to the park?
Do I weed my garden? Or stay up on the laundry?
Do I go out with my significant other? Or help my neighbor move?
The list goes on and on. The choices are endless.
Do we connect with one another?
OR The little people in our care?
The lonely neighbor next door?
The mourning friend who just lost a loved one?
How do we fit it all in?
How do you?
For me it's a constant process, I constantly have to re-evaluate what my choices are and change them, tweak them to fit the circumstances of that day.
While I've been writing this, I've stopped to cut apples and pop popcorn for hungry little munchkins. I've ignored phone calls. I've stopped to listen to a 7 year old tell me a story. Connections are an important part of our lives. And honestly we realize that connecting with us here at EVERYDAY EDEN BOUTIQUE isn't the most important connection in your life. You have more important things to do then always be looking at our clothes or social media posts.
We hope to see you and hear from you in the moments when you do have time. When the more important things are quiet and taken care of. And we hope that not only we can help you and encourage you during this crazy life, but that the connection can go both ways, we'd love to hear what you need, like and want.
We know our customers are incredible women with strength, power and understanding. We hope that during the sparse amount of free time we see you in, that we can help one another. That our connections can grow. And that maybe in some small way we strengthen each other.